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Identify the commands and expressions in the English class to understand English clases.


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To begin the class we will play a game that consists in that if I say one the children say two and I three, but then we will change the number 2 for the word "standt up", then I will say "one" and instead of saying two we will They'll stand up from the chair, then I'll trade the number three for hands up. I will do this exercise several times with several words, until the sequence is just actions.


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For the explanation I will show the children images of the commands and expressions in class, first I will tell them how it is pronounced, then I will tell them to repeat them and after repeating we will do the actions playing simon says, for example simon says open the book.


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the children solve the exercise in the english book, workshop 2.


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For the evaluation, the children should develop page of the English book, (they should write the names in order).


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Total 31 items.
ActividadNombreFecha de ingresoFecha de actualizaciónNúmero de ingresosAñoCursoSubreporte
7382CAMPOS PAEZ JESUS ARMANDO2021-04-07 12:25:352021-04-07 12:25:3512021Ejercicios
7382CAMPOS PAEZ JESUS ARMANDO2021-04-07 13:34:152021-04-15 12:08:1232021Tarea
7382CANTOR LATORRE LAURA STEPHANIE2021-04-07 17:19:482021-04-21 17:48:5432021Tarea
7382CUERVO PAEZ JUAN MANUEL2021-04-11 06:57:102021-04-11 14:28:0022021Ejercicios
7382CUERVO PAEZ JUAN MANUEL2021-04-11 06:56:592021-04-11 14:27:4822021Tarea
7382ESPITIA JIMENEZ EMILY NICOLLE2021-04-13 13:28:392021-04-27 20:06:4272021Ejercicios
7382ESPITIA JIMENEZ EMILY NICOLLE2021-04-13 13:28:452021-04-27 20:06:5422021Evaluación
7382ESPITIA JIMENEZ EMILY NICOLLE2021-04-13 13:28:562021-04-13 13:28:5612021Bibliografía
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:44:412021-04-16 16:44:4322021Motivación
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:44:182021-04-16 16:45:1552021Ejercicios
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:44:212021-04-16 16:46:4352021Evaluación
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:44:242021-04-16 16:49:2342021Bibliografía
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:44:502021-04-16 16:50:5942021Tarea
7382FOLIACO ARAQUE KLENDER JESUS2021-04-16 16:49:122021-04-16 16:49:1212021Foro
7382GIL PALACIOS JUAN PABLO2021-04-14 17:28:572021-04-14 17:28:5712021Explicación
7382GIL PALACIOS JUAN PABLO2021-04-10 18:31:232021-04-14 17:22:1232021Ejercicios
7382GIL PALACIOS JUAN PABLO2021-04-14 17:22:032021-04-14 17:22:0922021Evaluación
7382GONZALEZ CASTIBLANCO EDWARD SNEIDER2021-04-12 16:33:102021-04-12 16:34:3332021Ejercicios
7382GONZALEZ CASTIBLANCO EDWARD SNEIDER2021-04-12 16:34:472021-04-12 16:34:4712021Evaluación
7382MORENO MARIA JOSE2021-04-21 20:10:182021-04-21 21:01:3822021Ejercicios
7382QUINTANA RODRIGUEZ IVANNA ELISETH2021-04-25 14:17:242021-04-25 14:17:2412021Ejercicios
7382QUINTANA RODRIGUEZ IVANNA ELISETH2021-04-08 20:01:392021-04-25 14:15:18112021Tarea
7382ROCHA MUÑOZ DANA MICHELL2021-04-11 19:30:382021-04-11 19:30:3812021Explicación
7382ROCHA MUÑOZ DANA MICHELL2021-04-29 18:48:302021-04-29 18:48:3012021Ejercicios
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-05-03 22:05:312021-05-03 22:05:3112021Propósito
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-04-29 09:54:322021-04-29 09:54:3212021Motivación
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-04-22 14:23:592021-05-03 22:00:4942021Explicación
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-04-22 14:23:592021-05-03 22:00:5062021Ejercicios
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-04-23 10:51:472021-04-23 10:51:4712021Evaluación
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-05-03 22:00:572021-05-03 22:04:4622021Bibliografía
7382SUDERO OLIVARES PAULINA SOPHIA2021-05-03 22:04:472021-05-04 21:19:2922021Tarea