EvidenciaIntroduce personal information, describe your day-to-day routine and express emotions, for talking about experiences and daily events or activities in


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Introduce personal information, describe your day-to-day routine and express emotions, for talking about experiences and daily events or activities in own life, through the use of the present simple structure and the respective vocabulary.

DBA No 5: Understand the main idea and details related to activities, places, and people in a short

descriptive text through familiar words and phrases. For example, the student identifies information and

details connected to place of birth and other places and activities mentioned in a biography.


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Step 1. Look the video up and answer: Is the little white dog sad or happy? why?


Step 2. Open the video and answer: What does the boy do? What does the mother do? and What does the litlle dog do?

Inteligencia emocional.

Step 3: look the video up

Daily Routines

Rutinas diarias - English Classroom site

Step 4: Identify the video´s actions in the picture above:


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Step 1: Draw your own daily routine , base with the picture:

Ejemplo De Rutinas Diarias En Ingles - Ejemplo Sencillo

Step 2: Open the link and read, then answer the questions about the reading.

Reading exercises

Steps 3. Answer thw exercises of the guide book "Way to go"


-Ejercicio 1 de las páginas 20, 23, 26, 33, 36, 39-40, 41

-Ejercicio 2 de las páginas 26 y 37

-Ejercicio 6 de la página 28

-Ejercicios de las páginas 42 y 43 "Review Race"

-Ejercicios de las páginas 46 y 47 "Evaluation".


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1. Match each expression with each picture.

Resultado de imagen de english activities for primary | Rutinas en ingles, Ingles para preescolar, Aprender ingles para niños

2. Complete the following sentences:

Ejercicios de selección múltiple, en presente simple.


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Share your own routine and feelingns.



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Total 75 items.
ActividadNombreFecha de ingresoFecha de actualizaciónNúmero de ingresosAñoCursoSubreporte
7339AVILA PUENTES NICHOL FERNANDA2021-04-22 07:32:062021-04-22 07:32:0612021Motivación
7339CARDONA GOMEZ JUAN CAMILO2021-04-22 07:27:272021-04-22 07:29:3552021Propósito
7339CARDONA GOMEZ JUAN CAMILO2021-04-22 07:27:102021-08-25 20:27:59112021Motivación
7339CARDONA GOMEZ JUAN CAMILO2021-08-17 07:20:162021-08-25 20:27:3342021Explicación
7339CARDONA GOMEZ JUAN CAMILO2021-08-17 07:20:372021-08-17 07:20:4122021Ejercicios
7339CARDONA GOMEZ JUAN CAMILO2021-04-15 19:28:222021-04-15 19:28:2432021Evaluación
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:34:552021-04-13 07:50:58122021Propósito
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:34:562021-04-22 07:37:21142021Motivación
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:38:532021-04-13 07:38:5422021Explicación
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:38:552021-09-15 07:27:1382021Ejercicios
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:38:592021-04-13 08:04:3432021Evaluación
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:39:012021-04-14 07:21:0132021Bibliografía
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:39:032021-04-13 07:39:0422021Tarea
7339CARDOSO CASTRO LUISA FERNANDA2021-04-13 07:39:052021-04-13 07:39:0622021Foro
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 07:33:372021-07-21 15:27:31272021Propósito
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 07:33:422021-07-21 15:27:28322021Motivación
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 07:33:572021-07-21 15:27:24182021Explicación
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 07:34:142021-07-21 15:27:22212021Ejercicios
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 08:11:242021-08-23 18:09:0362021Evaluación
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 08:11:282021-07-21 15:27:4292021Bibliografía
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 08:11:312021-07-21 15:27:3872021Tarea
7339CEBALLOS DIAZ ANA SOFIA2021-04-13 08:11:332021-07-21 15:27:3572021Foro
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-07 08:06:282021-08-17 07:02:5182021Propósito
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:51:542021-08-17 07:02:53192021Motivación
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:51:572021-08-17 07:02:5662021Explicación
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:52:042021-08-17 07:03:2662021Ejercicios
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-07 08:06:322021-08-17 07:03:3492021Evaluación
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:52:152021-08-17 07:03:3842021Bibliografía
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:52:162021-08-17 07:03:4152021Tarea
7339GONZALEZ CASTILLO AILYN2021-04-13 07:52:182021-08-17 07:03:4642021Foro
7339LOPEZ MONTEALEGRE EDUAR FERNEY2021-04-13 07:39:232021-04-13 07:51:4522021Propósito
7339LOPEZ MONTEALEGRE EDUAR FERNEY2021-04-13 07:51:392021-04-13 07:51:4222021Ejercicios
7339LOPEZ MONTEALEGRE EDUAR FERNEY2021-04-13 07:39:362021-04-13 07:39:3722021Foro
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-22 07:09:462021-04-22 07:32:3742021Propósito
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-22 07:09:072021-04-22 07:21:5432021Motivación
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-22 07:09:042021-05-09 20:56:3752021Explicación
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-22 07:08:432021-05-09 20:56:4352021Ejercicios
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-22 07:09:312021-04-22 07:09:3112021Evaluación
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LAURA VALENTINA2021-04-07 08:30:322021-04-22 07:09:3432021Bibliografía
7339MENDEZ ARENAS LUIS EDUARDO2021-04-07 08:44:382021-04-07 08:45:0022021Evaluación
7339ÑUSTES PERDOMO KEVIN SANTIAGO2021-04-15 15:29:072021-04-15 15:29:0712021Propósito
7339ÑUSTES PERDOMO KEVIN SANTIAGO2021-04-15 14:29:262021-09-06 17:46:12172021Motivación
7339ÑUSTES PERDOMO KEVIN SANTIAGO2021-04-22 07:08:132021-09-06 17:46:1952021Explicación
7339OSPINA CARDONA YURI MARCELA2021-06-16 13:08:572021-08-18 16:49:2422021Propósito
7339OSPINA CARDONA YURI MARCELA2021-08-18 16:49:272021-08-18 16:49:2712021Motivación
7339OSPINA CARDONA YURI MARCELA2021-06-16 13:24:142021-06-16 13:24:1412021Explicación
7339OSPINA CARDONA YURI MARCELA2021-06-16 13:25:042021-06-16 13:25:0412021Ejercicios
7339OSPINA CARDONA YURI MARCELA2021-08-18 16:53:212021-08-18 16:53:2112021Foro
7339PALACIO PEREZ CRISTIAN DAVID2021-08-12 00:36:182021-08-12 00:36:1812021Motivación
7339PALACIO PEREZ CRISTIAN DAVID2021-08-12 00:36:312021-08-12 00:36:3112021Ejercicios
7339PALACIO PEREZ CRISTIAN DAVID2021-04-09 12:12:112021-04-09 12:12:1112021Evaluación
7339PORTELA ALARCON LAURA SOFIA2021-06-24 11:24:232021-06-24 11:24:2312021Propósito
7339PORTELA ALARCON LAURA SOFIA2021-06-24 11:24:172021-06-24 11:24:1712021Motivación
7339PORTELA ALARCON LAURA SOFIA2021-06-24 11:24:252021-06-24 11:24:2512021Explicación
7339PORTELA ALARCON LAURA SOFIA2021-06-24 11:24:292021-06-24 11:24:2912021Ejercicios
7339PORTELA ALARCON LAURA SOFIA2021-06-24 11:23:552021-06-24 11:23:5512021Evaluación
7339RAMIREZ GALINDO JHOAN SEBASTIAN2021-04-13 07:46:162021-05-10 10:48:1132021Propósito
7339RAMIREZ GALINDO JHOAN SEBASTIAN2021-04-13 07:47:492021-06-16 09:06:24172021Motivación
7339RAMIREZ GALINDO JHOAN SEBASTIAN2021-04-13 07:50:562021-05-10 10:48:1822021Explicación
7339RAMIREZ GALINDO JHOAN SEBASTIAN2021-04-14 10:04:132021-05-10 10:48:2022021Ejercicios
7339RAMIREZ GALINDO JHOAN SEBASTIAN2021-05-10 10:48:232021-05-10 10:48:2312021Evaluación
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:152021-04-29 20:33:1342021Propósito
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:102021-04-29 20:34:00102021Motivación
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:232021-04-29 20:34:0062021Explicación
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:252021-04-29 20:33:1042021Ejercicios
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:272021-04-29 20:28:2922021Evaluación
7339RIOS APONTE LAURA SARAY2021-04-29 20:28:302021-04-29 20:28:3222021Bibliografía
7339SANABRIA UPEGUI NATALIA MELISA2021-04-18 15:33:572021-05-02 11:55:0542021Motivación
7339SANABRIA UPEGUI NATALIA MELISA2021-04-24 15:53:242021-04-24 15:53:2412021Explicación
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-04-20 08:20:172021-04-24 08:55:1322021Propósito
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-04-20 08:20:072021-07-30 09:41:55132021Motivación
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-04-13 07:52:062021-07-28 07:09:0242021Explicación
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-04-24 08:55:092021-07-28 07:09:0552021Ejercicios
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-07-19 14:29:212021-07-19 14:29:2112021Tarea
7339GOMEZ MARTINEZ MANUEL ESTIVEN2021-07-19 14:29:102021-07-19 14:29:1012021Foro