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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.


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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.


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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.


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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.


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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.


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The first and main issue is bandwidth. If your glasses are too tight, that can exert pressure on the temples or nose, leading to headaches. Refrigerators and freezers consist of two basic components: a condenser coil and an evaporator coil.



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Acceso a las actividades

Total 5 items.
ActividadNombreFecha de ingresoFecha de actualizaciónNúmero de ingresosAñoCursoSubreporte
245LONDOÑO DUQUE ALLAN ALEJANDRO2020-08-31 15:40:562020-08-31 15:40:5612020Tarea
245PRADA CARDOZO LAURA VALENTINA2020-08-31 15:47:432020-08-31 15:47:4312020Tarea
245RODRIGUEZ PERILLA ANGELLY TATIANA2020-09-30 07:31:322020-09-30 07:31:3212020Ejercicios
245RODRIGUEZ PERILLA ANGELLY TATIANA2020-09-30 07:31:372020-09-30 08:41:3722020Tarea
245PRIETO LONDOÑO VALERIA 2020-09-07 14:02:372020-09-07 14:02:3712020Ejercicios