Evidencia(not set)
calificable?(not set)


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1. Select the image that you consider that match with the right word.

2. Enter the link and develop the activity: https://es.educaplay.com/juego/6252557-social_netw...



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6. What do you think the reading is about? Answer the question.


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7. Read each paragraph and select and appropriate heading for it. Select the titles that are presented following:

Titles to organize

A. What is cyberbullying?

B. What can I do about it?

C. What are the consequences of it?

D. If a friend is a bully...

8. Write your answers in a word file, write your name on it. You can number the paragraphs and write the letter. Example:

Paragragh 1: A

Paragraph 2: B

9. Answer the following questions. Open the link:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdz3jBWpD...


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10. Answer the following questions:

-Do you know when an action in social networks becomes in cyberbullying?

-What advice would you give to a person who is going through this situation?

11. Use the following vocabulary in order to make a response for this problematic:


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12. Enter to peardeck: https://app.peardeck.com/join

13. Make a tweet response in order to stop cyberbullying and to raise awareness about its effects.


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Write how were your feelings in the development of the lesson.



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Acceso a las actividades

Total 49 items.
ActividadNombreFecha de ingresoFecha de actualizaciónNúmero de ingresosAñoCursoSubreporte
1841BOCANEGRA GARCIA JUAN SEBASTIAN2020-08-26 08:41:352020-08-26 08:41:3822020Ejercicios
1841CACUA ROA YARITH DAYANA2020-08-25 11:41:372020-08-25 11:41:3712020Propósito
1841CACUA ROA YARITH DAYANA2020-08-25 11:42:482020-08-25 11:42:4812020Motivación
1841CACUA ROA YARITH DAYANA2020-08-25 11:49:332020-08-25 11:49:3312020Explicación
1841GUZMAN HERNANDEZ YEIMY YULIANA2020-08-26 17:55:312020-09-25 15:48:4632020Tarea
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:02:412020-09-09 15:02:4112020Motivación
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:02:462020-09-09 15:02:4612020Explicación
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:16:432020-09-09 15:16:4312020Ejercicios
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:16:462020-09-09 15:16:4612020Evaluación
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:16:472020-09-09 15:16:4712020Bibliografía
1841HERRADA GONZALEZ SAMUEL 2020-09-09 15:16:492020-09-09 15:16:4922020Tarea
1841MORA ROMERO JUAN SEBASTIAN2020-09-11 06:23:412020-09-11 06:23:4112020Ejercicios
1841MORA ROMERO JUAN SEBASTIAN2020-09-11 06:23:462020-09-11 06:23:4612020Evaluación
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 20:30:102020-09-17 20:52:0832020Propósito
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 20:30:182020-09-17 20:52:0732020Motivación
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 18:57:482020-09-17 20:30:2732020Explicación
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 20:29:412020-09-17 21:05:3072020Ejercicios
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 20:43:182020-09-17 20:51:3522020Evaluación
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 20:43:202020-09-17 20:43:2012020Bibliografía
1841ORTIZ ARIAS JUAN CAMILO2020-09-17 21:05:342020-09-17 21:05:3432020Tarea
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:30:212020-11-24 15:37:3462020Propósito
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:30:332020-11-24 15:39:39122020Motivación
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:30:432020-11-24 15:58:4382020Explicación
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:31:042020-11-24 15:46:05102020Ejercicios
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:31:232020-11-24 15:47:1082020Evaluación
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:31:332020-11-24 15:46:1972020Bibliografía
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:31:332020-11-24 15:58:45102020Tarea
1841OSPINA MAMIAN JUAN DAVID2020-11-05 14:31:352020-11-24 15:47:1062020Foro
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:41:442020-09-24 09:10:3062020Propósito
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:43:252020-09-24 08:50:1352020Motivación
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:43:362020-09-24 08:50:1052020Explicación
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:43:392020-09-24 08:50:0722020Ejercicios
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:49:512020-09-24 08:50:0422020Evaluación
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:50:012020-09-24 08:50:0332020Bibliografía
1841CASTILLO VARON JUAN PABLO2020-09-24 08:50:022020-09-24 08:50:0322020Tarea
1841CASTRO MURCIA SHARON DAHIAN2020-09-17 17:28:212020-09-17 17:28:2112020Tarea
1841LONDOÑO DUQUE DEINER SAMIR2020-09-18 07:24:312020-09-18 07:24:3112020Ejercicios
1841PEREZ OSPINA JULIETH TATIANA2020-09-21 11:00:532020-09-21 11:00:5622020Motivación
1841PEREZ OSPINA JULIETH TATIANA2020-11-24 13:45:442020-11-24 13:45:4412020Ejercicios
1841PEREZ OSPINA JULIETH TATIANA2020-09-21 11:01:012020-09-21 11:01:0112020Bibliografía
1841PEREZ OSPINA JULIETH TATIANA2020-09-21 11:00:572020-11-24 13:45:4722020Tarea
1841SAAVEDRA LUGO DANNA JULIETH2020-08-25 12:44:422020-08-25 12:44:4212020Propósito
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:29:552020-09-07 13:21:2832020Propósito
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:31:102020-09-07 13:21:3242020Motivación
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:28:042020-09-07 13:26:0922020Explicación
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:28:262020-09-07 18:41:3632020Ejercicios
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:28:452020-09-07 13:42:3322020Evaluación
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:28:592020-09-07 19:55:1722020Tarea
1841SILVA LOPEZ BRAYAN STEVEN2020-08-26 06:29:012020-08-26 06:29:0112020Foro